Shipping Policy

Member subscription product delivery method, We will deliver member subscription products in the following manner:


Online automatic upgrade

Once you complete the payment, we will automatically upgrade your account and provide member subscription products within 24 hours of payment completion.


Email Delivery

We will provide you with an email containing detailed upgrade instructions and access information for your new account.


Delivery time

The delivery time for member subscription products will be completed within 24 hours after payment is completed. This means that after completing the payment, you will receive your new account and related member subscription products within 24 hours.

Please note that due to possible slight delays in payment processing and email delivery, the actual delivery time may vary slightly, but we will do our best to ensure delivery is completed within 24 hours.


Delivery confirmation

To ensure that you receive subscription products and account upgrades in a timely manner, we take the following measures:

Within 24 hours after the account upgrade is completed, we will send you a confirmation email to ensure that you have successfully upgraded and provide further guidance and support.